Slovná zásoba – Jar

11. marca 2019

Vonku sa nám už oteplieva a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín. Tento krát na tému: Jar

  1. Jar – spring Spring is coming,  all the trees are pushing out new shoots.
  2. Lavička – bench We sat on a park bench and talked.
  3. Slnko – sun Never let the sun go down on your anger.
  4. Oblak- cloud The plane disappeared behind a cloud.
  5. Tráva – grass A snake slithered into the thick
  6. Skleník – greenhouse Behind the green house was a
  7. Motyka – hoe They hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.
  8. Hadica – hose The water hose has a kink in it.
  9. Rebrík – ladder The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down.
  10. Terasa – patio The patio was made of stone slabs.
  11. Strom- tree Don’t cut down the tree that gives you shade.
  12. Konvica – watering can You will find the lizards behind the watering can.
  13. kôlňa – tool shed The tool shed was build as an extension of the house.
  14. Jabloň – apple tree Our apple tree fell down in the storm.
  15. čeresňa – cherry tree The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
  16. marhuľa – apricot tree Our apricot tree is my favourite.
  17. Hruška – pear tree There is an old pear tree in the garden.
  18. Slivka – plum tree We have planted a plum tree in the garden.
  19. Teplý – warm I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.
  20. Vták – bird It’s cruel to confine a bird in a cage.
  21. Slnečné teplo – sunshine Rain comes after
  22. Obdobie – period The 1990s were a period of rapid change.
  23. Zamračené – cloudy Cloudy sky drove the bathers off the beach.
  24. Ročné obdobia – seasons of the year We have four seasons of the year.
  25. Zmena – change There’s going to be a change in the weather.

Slovna zasoba Jar – PDF na stiahnutie tu

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