Vonku máme teplo a krásne slnečno a teda možnosť podniknúť veľa činností, a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob.
Tentokrát na tému: Jedlo
- Strava – diet Try excluding sugar and fat from your diet.
- Jedlo – food/meal I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.
- Dezert – dessert I was tempted by the dessert menu.
- Večera – dinner The dinner was a formal affair.
- Raňajky – breakfast A fabulous breakfast matters more than anything else.
- Obed – lunch The students have lunch at school.
- Recept – a recipe I need some apples for this recipe.
- Syr – cheese He used some cheese to trap the rat.
- Jogurt- yoghurt I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.
10. Saláma – salami I bought some salami from the delicatessen. 11. Ryža – rice We brought home two bags of rice.
12. Med – honey Old bees yield no honey.
13. Džem – jam He ate a whole pot of jam.
14. Morské plody – seafood I’m a total sucker for seafood. 15. Párky – sausages Grill the sausages for ten minutes. 16. Slanina – bacon This bacon is too salty for me.
17. Šunka- ham This ham has too much fat on it.
18. Mliečne výrobky – dairy products I’m trying to cut down on dairy products. 19. cibuľa – onion Add the onion and cook for three minutes.
20. Ovocie – fruit Try to eat plenty of fresh fruit .
21. Zelenina – vegetables I usually buy all my vegetables at the market.
22. Variť – to cook Where did you learn to cook?
23. Ohriať – to heat up The oven takes a while to heat up.
24. Nedovarený – under-cooked Food poisoning from undercooked meat is a much bigger danger.
25. Polievka- soup I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.
Slovní zásoba Jedlo – PDF na stiahnutie tu
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