Slovná zásoba – kultúra

9. apríla 2019
Chodievaš do kina či divadla? My áno, a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín.

  1. Výstava – exhibition The exhibiton was sponsored by the Society of Culture.
  2. Majstrovské dielo – masterpiece The work was acclaimed as a
  3. Sochárstvo – sculpture Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.
  4. maľovanie – painting My hobbies include reading and
  5. Keramika – ceramics Those ceramics are beautiful.
  6. Portrét – portrait The portrait was completed after six sittings.
  7. Zátišie – still-life I prefer landscape to still life.
  8. Divadlo – theatre Shall we go to the theatre on Friday?
  9. Balet – ballet I trained as a ballet
  10. Opera – opera The opera has a good press.
  11. Koncert – concert The concert was expected to be a sell-out.
  12. skladateľ – composer The composer of this popular song is a young man.
  13. symfónia – symphony They play over the whole
  14. Spoločenské tance – ballroom dancing I go ballroom dancing twice a week.
  15. Kino – cinema She never goes to the
  16. Javisko- stage She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.
  17. Reflektor – spotlight The spotlight follow her round the stage.
  18. Kostýmy – costumes He has designed all the scenes and
  19. pokladňa – box office The box office opens at ten.
  20. Premiéra – first night The play’s first night was a total disaster.
  21. Publikum – audience The audience began clapping and cheering.
  22. Literatúra – literature English has a rich vocabulary and
  23. Dráma – drama He has written a historical
  24. Romány – novels His novels had a great vogue ten years ago.

Slovna zasoba Kultúra – PDF na stiahnutie tu

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