Slovná zásoba – Mesto

23. apríla 2019

Každý žijeme v meste či na dedine. Poznajme svoje okolie, a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín. Tentokrát na tému: Mesto

  1. Mesto – city Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia.
  2. Dedina- village The river flows cranking into the
  3. Vidiek – country The country was wild and beautiful.
  4. Les – forest The path petered out deep in the
  5. Obytná zóna – housing estate They live in a housing estate.
  6. Priemyselná zóna – industrial estate An industrial estate will help to promote the bussines of that city.
  7. Kraj – region If you travel to a different region, you may find an idiom that you don’t understand.
  8. Okres – district She doesn’t live in this
  9. Štát – state The state of Nevada is largerly desert.
  10. Územie – area The area was constantly hit by the drought.
  11. Mestský život – city life The pressure of city life forced him to move to the country.
  12. Parkovisko – car park The car park is underground.
  13. Dopravná zápcha – traffic jam We got stuck in a traffic jam and I was desperade for the loo.
  14. Dopravná špička – the rush hour The can’t stand traveling in the rush hour.
  15. Zvuk spôsobený dopravou – traffic noise The traffic noise kept me awake.
  16. Miera kriminality – crime rate The crime rate is rising.
  17. Reštaurácia – restaurant The restaurant has a fine reputation.
  18. Nočný klub – nightclub We went dacing at a
  19. Úrad práce – job centre He has signed on at the job centre.
  20. Škola -school We lear not at school,but in life.
  21. Radnica – Town/City hall They massed in from of the city hall.
  22. Rieka – river We crossed over the river into Sweden.
  23. Jazero – lake The boys swam across the
  24. Prenájom auta – car hire The price includes flights and car hire.
  25. Kúpele – spa Spa water is thought to be a very good for health.

Slovna zasoba Mesto – PDF na stiahnutie tu

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