Slovná zásoba – Oblečenie

3. júna 2019

Tričko, nohavice, tenisky alebo bavlna sú veci ktoré používame každý deň, a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín.
Tentokrát na tému: Oblečenie

  1. Móda – fashion She was prominent in the fashion
  2. Oblečenie – clothes Clothes don’t make the man.
  3. veľkosť – size Two books were same
  4. Tvar – shape They are uniform in size and
  5. Bežné oblečenie- casual clothes He dressed quickly in casual clothes.
  6. Tričko – T-shirt The T-shirt was too small for him.
  7. Mikina – jumper Does this shirt go with my jumper?
  8. Pulóver – pullover She was wearing a knitted pullover.
  9. Nohavice – trousers The hole in your trousers is not noticeable.
  10. Oblek – suit This suit is perfect for me.
  11. Kabát – coat A smart coat is a good letter of introduction.
  12. Opasok – belt I need a belt keep up my trousers.
  13. Gombík – buttom The top button of his shirt was undone.
  14. Rukavice – gloves He took off his glaves for her to keep her warm.
  15. Zips – zip I can’t open my bag – the zip has stuck.
  16. Čiapka – cap If the cap fits, wear it.
  17. Papuče – slippers She clapped across the room in her
  18. Sandále – sandals Megan was trying on some red
  19. Tenisky – trainers Trainers are so comfortable to wear.
  20. Kožušina – fur Our cat has glossy black
  21. Bavlna – cotton They were working in the cotton
  22. Hodváb – silk Her silk dress rustled as she moved.
  23. prsteň – ring He has a gold ring on his finger.
  24. Retiazka – chain She wore a gold chain around her neck.
  25. Ponožky – socks  He took his shoes and socks off.

Slovní zásoba Oblečenie – PDF na stiahnutie tu

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