Každý z nás má svoju pracovnú pozíciu alebo sa ešte len na ňu pripravuje. Máme tu dalšiu slovnú zásobu.
Tentokrát na tému: Pracovné miesta
- Trvalé zamestnanie – permanent job I have a permanent job
- dobrovoľná práca – voluntary work He does voluntary work in a hospital.
- Brigáda – holiday job She had a holiday job as a gardener when she was a student.
- Zarábať – to earn Many women earn less than their male colleagues.
- Tréner – a trainer A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.
- Zamestnanec – employer The employer pays little to his employees.
- Životopis – CV Please send a full
- Žiadosť o prácu -application for a job – Do you need to write a letter to apply for a job?
- spoľahlivý – reliable My car’s not as reliable as it used to be.
- Spokojný – satisfied Be satisfied with it or get nothing.
- Zručný – skilful That is a skilful
- Čašník – waiter The waiter brought the menu and the wine list.
- Kuchár – cook The cook was an expert at making sauces.
- Poštár- postman Has the postman been here yet?
- Policajt – policeman The policeman asked to see his driving license.
- Právnik – lawyer A lawyer acts for his client.
- učiteľ – teacher The teacher told the children to stop chattering in class.
- Architekt – architect He is the architect who planned the new shopping centre.
- Manažér – manager He will remain manager of the club until the end of his contract.
- Novinár – journalist My former husband is a journalist.
- Pekár – baker The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs
- Šofér – driver Please tell the driver to go slower.
- Hasič – fireman The fireman managed to keep the fire under.
- Sekretárka – secretary The new secretary takes dictation very well.
- Lekár – doctor Diet cures more than the doctor.
Slovná zásoba Pracovné miesta – PDF na stiahnutie tu
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