Pripravili sme ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín. Tentokrát na tému: Príroda
- ekológia – ecology To keep ecology in balance is our duty.
- Znečistenie – pollution There is a connection between pollution and the death of trees.
- Škoda -damage The insurers will need to assess the flood
- Globálne otepľovanie – global warming Scientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
- Kyslé dažde – acid rain Acid rain has devastating effect on the forest.
- Hrádza – dam A new dam is now being built at the valley.
- Bažina – marsh He led them away from a
- Údolie – valley The valley that we are trying to reach lies behind the next hill.
- Skládka – waste dump The river was used for years as an industrial waste dump.
- Prach – dust He licked the dust from his suit.
- Kyslík – oxygen Fish take in oxygen trough their gills.
- Recyklovať – recycle It’s a good idea to recycle household waste.
- Sucho – drought The drought did a lot of harm to the crops.
- Dôsledok – consequence It was an inevitable consequence of the desicion.
- Zničiť – destroy Rules and modesty destroy genius and art.
- Zakázať – to ban The council plans to ban circuses with performing animals.
- Životné prostredie – environment People are more sensitised to the dangers that threaten the
- Tornádo – tornado The town was hit by a tornado last night.
- Ropa – oil Cheap oil has a lot of risk.
- Riešenie- solution Solution to the problem required many hours.
- Vrchol – peak She’s at the peak of her career.
- Vodopád – waterfall Let’s have our picnic by the
- Les – forest A cigarette spark started a forest fire.
- Farma – farm When you live on a farm you learn to expect days like this and roll with the punches.
- Rastlina – plant This plant hasn’t had any shoots yet.
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