Činnosti ako nákup, oprava alebo aj úpravy spadajú do nášho každodenného života, a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín.
Tentokrát na tému: Služby
- Obchod – shop/store The shop will be closed during repairs.
- Nákupné centrum – shopping centre/mall We are going to build a shopping mall in this area.
- pekáreň – bakery The baker bakes his bread in the
- Trafika – tobacco shop It’s near that tobacco shop.
- Mäsiarstvo – butchery Butchery is where we can buy meat.
- Zelovoc – greengrocery Can you help me find a greengrocery?
- Trh – market They put a new product on the
- Taxikár – taxi driver The taxy driver was being very unhelpful.
- Kaderník – haidresser My hairdresser has opened a new salon
- Krajčír – trailor The tailor has cut my coat very well.
- Smetiar – dustman A dustman who found the body early this morning called an ambulance.
- Pokladník – cashier One brother is a cashier and the other sells.
- Kľúčová služba – key cutting I need to find key cutting.
- Fotokopírovanie- photocopying Could you do some photocopying for me tomorrow?
- Cestovné – fare What is the fare to Bratislava?
- Opatrovať dieťa – to babysit I promised to babysit for Mrs Plunkett.
- Služby – services Normal services will be resumed in the spring.
- práčovňa – launderette The wash machines in your local launderette are actually comletely automatic vending machines.
- Obchod s oblečením – clothes shop She managed a clothes shop two years ago.
- Doručiť – to deliver Please deliver my baggage to my hotel as soon as you find it.
- Záhradník – gardener The gardener has lopped all the dead branches from the tree.
- Umývač okien – window cleaner The window cleaner has left dirty streaks on the windows.
- Inštalatér – plumber We has to call a plumber to unblock the drains.
- Opravár – repairman I have to wait in for the
- Willing to help – ochotný pomôcť I am willing to help
Slovní zásoba Služby – PDF na stiahnutie tu
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