10. Mini lesson:
Ako povedať: Keby som sa bol viac učil, spravil by som skúšku.
The condition is used to express regrets, a hypothetical situation that did not happen in the past and its probable result.
Podmienka sa používa na vyjadrenie hypotetickej situácie, ktorá sa nestala v minulosti, a jej pravdepodobného výsledku alebo ak niečo z minulosti ľutujeme.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
Keby som sa bol viac učil, spravil by som skúšku.
I would have got the job if I had come on time.
Bol by som dostal tú prácu, keby som prišiel načas.
If we hadn´t moved, we wouldn´t have met Mary.
Keby sme sa neboli presťahovali, nestretli by sme Mary.
Translate/ Prelož si
If I had studied abroad, I would have learnt another language.
Keby som bol študoval v zahraničí, naučil by som sa ďalší jazyk.
If she hadn´t forgotten her passport, she would have travelled with us.
Keby si nebola zabudla pas, cestovala by s nami.