Slovná zásoba – Bývanie

9. septembra 2019

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Tentokrát na tému: Bývanie

  1. Bytovka- block of flats  The block of flats was destroyed in an earthquake
  2. Hrad – castle The castle dates back to the 14th century.
  3. Chalupa – cottage The cottage gradually fell into ruin.
  4. Mrakodrap – skyscraper The skyscraper rears high into the sky.
  5. Dom – house The house is on the side of a hill.
  6. kúpeľňa – bathroom Could I possibly use your bathroom?
  7. Obývačka – living room The living room was warm and cosy .
  8. Nábytok – furniture The furniture is made of walnut.
  9. kuchyňa – kitchen The body was lying on the kitchen
  10. Kuchynský drez –sink The sink was piled high with greasy dishes.
  11. Práčka -washing maschine When our washing machine broke, our neighbours let us use theirs.
  12. Mraznička – freezer I have to restock the freezer.
  13. Hala – hall The children were in the dining hall.
  14. Povala – loft The children slept in a loft in the upstairs bedroom.
  15. Pivnica – basement The basement has been made over into a playroom.
  16. balkón – balcony The balcony was entwined with roses.
  17. Tapeta- wallpaper We agonized for hours about which wallpaper to buy.
  18. Zásuvka – socket There is an electric socket in the wall.
  19. Šopa – shed David built us a shed in the back yard.
  20. skriňa – cabinet The clock cabinet must be 1000 years old.
  21. Písací stôl – writing desk He rustled the papers on his writing desk.
  22. Garáž – garage Outside this door is the garage.
  23. Poschodie – storey I live on the top storey.
  24. Strešné okno – skylight A skylight had been let into the roof.
  25. Koberec –carpet The floor is covered with a red carpet.

Slovná zásoba Bývanie – PDF na stiahnutie tu

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