Marec je mesiac knihy a preto sme pre teba pripravili ďalšiu zo série slovných zásob. Nauč sa niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín. Tento krát na tému: Kniha
- Postava – character He was the main character in her last novel.
- Obsah- contents In my opinion the movie lacks
- Nápad – idea Are you saying that it’s a bad idea?
- Kapitola – chapter The chapter containts the meat of the writer’s argument.
- Záložka – bookmark Do you want to bookmark this site?
- Viazanie – binding He is binding a new book.
- Papierový obal – paperback The paperback came out in June.
- Tvrdý obal – hardback His second book came out in hardback last month.
- Bestseller – bestseller The book is already bestseller in Japan.
- Rozprávka -fairy tale She was like a princess in a fairy tale.
- Román – novel The novel is written from personal experience.
- Poviedka – short story His book originated from a short story.
- ľúbostný príbeh – love story It’s a love story.
- Romantický príbeh – romance They married after a whirlwind
- Detektívka – detective He likes to read detective
- Atlas – atlas The book on the desk is an
- Knižnica – library The library is in the centre of the town.
- Zaujímavý – interesting It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.
- Prekvapivý – surprising It’s surprising what people will do for money.
- Kníhkupectvo – bookshop A new bookshop had opened in the high street.
- Učebnica – textbook The boy forgot where he put his
- Biografia – biography He wrote a biography of Winston Churchill.
- Encyklopédia – encyclopaedia An encyclopaedia contains a lot of knowledge.
- Rozprávač – narrator Here are the characters and the narrator
- cieľ – aim If you don‘ t aim high you will never hit high.
Slovna zasoba Kniha – PDF na stiahnutie tu
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